This is the class to join if you feel the Lord leading you to be a part of the membership at Kairos, or you want to understand what we believe, or to get a greater grasp of Christian doctrines
This 14-week membership class is aimed at teaching Kairos doctrines as well as helping new members to discover their spiritual gifts and talents/skills in service to God’s kingdom.
Each class stands alone and so one can join at any point in the 14-week period. This 45-minute class begins at 9 am and 10:15 a.m. every Sunday morning to cater for patrons to the two Celebration services.
The class goes through the major doctrines of the Christian faith and is in effect a systematic theology class. The contents of the class are taken from the statement of faith section of the Kairos Constitution & Rules
Are various small groups around the city that meet on Tuesdays and Wednesdays depending on which area of Lilongwe one lives in. These are usually small groups of about 10 to 15 people who meet together for fellowship, teaching, worship, and prayer in homes.
The idea is to grow together in Christ as we share our lives. Such a small-group setting also offers more opportunities for discipleship in Christ as questions can be asked and group members are taught to identify and use their spiritual gifts.
Join & Serve in Ministry
This is for those growing believers who have discovered their gifts and talents and seek to use them to expand God’s kingdom as they serve in the church and impact the world around them. Activities range from serving in the ushering or praise team to hosting a cell group in one’s home.
See Ministries Below
Events Committee
Join a group of individuals dedicated to orchestrating and enhancing the spiritual and social life of our congregation.
Intercession Ministry
A committed assembly of individuals who unite to continually seek the presence and power of God
Youth Ministry
Our ministry is all about empowering the youth with faith, values, and a sense of purpose.
Medical Clinic Outreach Missions
This ministry incorporates basic medical clinics with holistic counseling. The team comprises medical practitioners,…
College Ministries
This ministry conducts evangelistic outreaches in colleges to set up campus cell groups for the effective discipleship of students.
Building Committee
Be part of a group of dedicated individuals with a passion for expanding and enhancing our church’s physical facilities.
Acts 434
Is taken from Acts 4:34 which says “nor was there anyone among them who lacked…
Women of all ages meet every second Sunday of the month for worship, prayer, and the word of God.
2 by 2
This is the married couple’s ministry that meets every second Saturday of the month.
Kairos Media
A team of individuals who manage all media-related tasks within the church.
Men of Destiny
Is the men’s ministry at Kairos which aims to bring men together to pursue God’s calling upon their lives.
Kairos 101
Join the dedicated team of individuals serving in Kairos 101, a 14-week membership class…
Kairos Online
Focused on enhancing and maintaining our church’s digital footprint.
Events Garden
The aim is to provide a beautiful and well-maintained garden venue for a variety of functions and special occasions.
Guest Table
Group of individuals dedicated to creating a memorable and welcoming experience for first-time visitors to our church
Praise Team
A group of individuals on a mission to ignite the presence of God through the beauty of music and worship.